Friday, October 31, 2008
Maharashtra and the Educated Idiot
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
What is the Solution???
Monday, October 13, 2008
Being Hindu

And let's not be hypocritical. If there is no "Islamic Terrorism" there cannot ever be a "Hindu Extremism". Same logic: terrorists are only a handful, not the entire community therefore extremists are also a handful and not the entire Hindu community. They are just youth misled by communal forces. They cannot be called HINDU. This is where the bias and the ulterior agenda of Media kicks in. "HINDUS ATTACK CHURCHES IN ORISSA". It's splashed all over newspapers and TVCs. Really? Have "Hindus" attacked? Come on! One has to be blind to not see the hypocrisy. And then all the intelligentsia indulges in self-blame and how disgraceful it is for Hindus to do such dastardly acts and then we begin questioning "Is my religion really the greatest?" Have we stopped to consider how many Muslim youth live in poverty and how perhaps Islam in India is not really doing a great job. Is it not a discredit then? Is it not time to consider whether Muslims should send kids to schools or Madarsaas?
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Gone to soon
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Lights, Camera, Action!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Do we?
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Poor little Indian

Let's just accept it honestly. Indians DO have a fascination for white skin or so I discovered a few days back. Even in a cultural melting pot like Mumbai it happens. And I am not talking about middle-class, white-collared Indians. Here we have the so-called suave and cool folks from Gen-X. What happened was a series of instances happening with amazing predictability! Ok, here is a short background:
I work with the Max Mueller Bhavan, Mumbai which is the branch of the "Goethe Institut" of Germany. I work here as a Project Officer and my job entails in short handling activities related to Music Germany and Mumbai. And I got this job because of my previous experience as Musician in Mumbai and now because I also can speak fairly fluent German.
Now, we had a guest in the form of an extremely genial German gentleman called Ralph Christoph. Ralph is an electronic music expert from Cologne, Germany and he heads an annual international music festival called C/o Pop. He was here for researching the electronic music scene in India. I was here called on the job of helping him network with the right people from the Bollywood side and from an otherwise underground independent music world. Usually Ralph, I and Anja would travel together for these appointments. Anja was the Intern with Max Mueller Bhavan at the time. Here comes the funny part.
Whenever we would meet these other Music directors, Music label heads or anyone, they would greet only Ralph and Anja. And of course I was the poor little Indian. Then after 5 mins when I would have faded into oblivion, Ralph would feel really embarrassed that nobody was taking me into the discussion! Then while leaving, Ralph would normally turn to me and ask me something very vital, or my opinion about something or then I would stand up during a discussion and motion to Ralph to end the meeting because we would have some other appointment lined up further and then he would jokingly say, "I have to listen to her."! :-)) And it was THEN that the "poor little Indian" was noticed. Then they would ask me my name and tell me theirs. The truth is I knew not just their names but their entire musical biography which was exactly why I brought Ralph there in the first place!
Yes I felt very angry in the first few meetings. But later the awkwardness on their faces when they realised that the person whom they dutifully ignored was the one with whom they were going to have to deal, was what I started enjoying! I thought, "Oh! Poor little Indians!". :-))
Friday, July 18, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
B flat or C sharp!

It is said that when society undergoes a major cultural change, Music is the last frontier to be affected by that change.
But looking at the state of Music today, I shudder to think what it must be like in other aspects of culture!
Look at the picture alongside. It's so amazing that this picture manages very well to boil my blood. I perceive these ten figures here as BUFFOONS of the first order. It's a "musical" show. Or so they wish it could have been one. None of them are musicians or singers or have anything to do with music. Not even the judges. One of the judges is a film-director and the other one's profession is not yet clear to me. My guess is that she owns a laundry or something. And the joke is that the 8 participants "sing" and the judges judge them.
Music is in such BAD hands I tell you!
Where else would such a nasty thing be allowed to take place?
It's akin to asking Akshay Kumar to judge a Bharatnatyam performance!

What do the 2 judges on this above-mentioned reality show( Aaaaarrrgh. That's a topic for another day... ) have to do with music? Who gave them the right to be the judge at all!
It has become a joke. There are Musicians who have toiled for years and decades to understand and assimilate the nuances and secrets of music. They have practised their instruments every single day religiously...sometimes even till their fingers bled. Nobody asks them for a performance. I know musicians who are dying of hunger inspite of being A-grade musicians.
It's such a tragedy and even more so because it happens in India. We are the hosts of one of the greatest Classical music traditions in the world. Of course I am not saying that a bunch of idiots from reality shows pose a danger to the tradition of good music itself. But all I am hoping for is an aware audience who can discern between bull-shit and Music. Because only if WE as people refuse to have our ears stuffed with nonsense, will this atrocity stop.

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Feeling Thorny!
But from my long stretched out experience of "moving on" from an old flame, I have realized that getting "closure" is most vital. I avoided telling my Ex that I was still in love for reasons mostly unknown to me. Maybe I felt I would be in a vulnerable position by doing that. Whatever. But just yesterday I did that. I confessed that yes it has been more than one year and I hadn't still moved on and that I was still in love. Obviously the reply was not unexpected!
I was told, "I don't want to be with you".
I cannot possibly describe what I felt at that time.
Do you remember the feeling of having a thorn embedded in your foot for an annoyingly long time? You can see the thorn, it is undoubtedly hurting you and yet you can't pull it out. And then! One day, it looks like you could pull the thorn out...and then you do...
That moment. One moment it's paining and the next, it doesn't anymore! That's exactly how I felt when I was told that things couldn't work out between us. Within one second the pricky thorn was pulled out of my system. Whew....!!
I feel freeer. I have freed myself from the past and freed my past from myself.
The credit goes to my AMAZING Guru : His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji :)
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
The Sun will be gone again
The Moon will climb the Beanstalk
Can you see what's happening?
Everything in this Universe
Follows a time-table
It was our time to fall in love
Now it's time to let go again...
It's time to make a new start
You've got to keep an open mind
And anyway you've got no choice
But time is not always unkind
But everything in this Universe
Goes through an upheavel
And when you think you can't go on
It's time to start again!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Nothing much except Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrgggh!
This has prompted to vacuum-clean my life of all the time and space-suckers! Yes, I am going to do it. People call up on the cell. I cut the call. After 3 minutes they call up again. I tell them, "I will call you later. I am busy". Do you think they get the message? Wrong. They don't. They call me back AGAIN. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrgggghhhh! And all they want to know is, "What's up?". Is that even a question?
Is it afterall THAT difficult to understand? Am I asking for too much? Do I have to fight for my own privacy? What do the "time-suckers" want?
These are haunting questions of a daunting task!
Thank the Good Lord for caller identification.
Thank the Great Lord for creating blogs. Where else would I vent out all this?
Sunday, March 23, 2008
If I were....
If I were a tree, I would be: Banyan
If I were a musical instrument, I would be: a Flute
If I were an animal, I would be: a Dog( Labrador-they get pampered sick!)
If I were a sound, I would be: Silence
If I were a scent, I would be: of a baby's hair
If I were a religion, I would be: Humanity
If I were a facial expression, I would be: on Guruji's face
If I were a subject in college, I would be: Philosophy
If I were a color, I would be: White
If I were a thing, I would be: a Mirror
If I were a book, I would be: in someone's hands
If I were a monument, I would be: Conserved
If I were an artist, I would be: a Guitarist
If I were a collection of poems, I would be: moving people
If I were an element, I would be: Space
If I were a Word, I would be: "Dude"
If I were a watch, I would be: dictating lives of millions
If I were a theory, I would be: Relativity
If I were a cartoon, I would be: Calvin
IF I were a technology, I would be: making myself extinct every second
If I were a super hero, I would be : What does this mean? I AM one already!
If I were a Shakespearean Character, I would be: deciding to be or not be
If I were alone, I would be: even Stronger
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Don't know how to let you go...
I know there are how many stars
I know the depths of the deepest seas
I know how to make dreams alive
I know what treasures the oceans hold
I know the mysteries of the blue skies
But I don't know how to let you go
I know all the secrets of your heart
I know the profundities of your soul
I know when to set you free
I know when to pull you close
I know when you want to reach out
I know when you are feeling low
I know when you want to be alone
But I don't know how to let you go
I know when you want to spread your wings
I know when you need to fly
I know when you will need me
I know when you want to cry
I know when you want to hear those words
I know when you want me to show
I know when to hold you tight
But I don't know how to let you go
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Sun. What is his job really? Rise everyday…punctually.
He never falters.
Laziness doesn’t overcome his determination of rising every single day!
Even when it’s raining cats and dogs here, he still rises!
He rises even when on a given day nobody thanks him for having risen!
He rises even when no one acknowledges him…he doesn’t feel ignored.
He rises even when no praise comes his way…he doesn’t feel insecure.
Not just that. He does his job even when he gets blamed for making everything around too hot!
The Sun is a part of Nature. Everything in Nature is perfect. It never misses a beat.
We are a part of this very same Nature. But just look at the number of pre-conditions we have before we begin to do anything. We must get acknowledgement after we finish doing our work, we need awards and recognition, we need money, we need something….anything in return. Why?!
But what confounds me the most is this question: What exactly is our job?